Harvard Club of Austria and Harvard Club of Hungary are happy to invite all Central European Harvard Club Members to the 2016 CEE Harvard Retreat to be organized in conjunction with the Fête Impériale Summer Ball in the Capital of Waltzer, in Vienna on 24-26 June 2016.
Planned Program: 24 June, Friday 6:00 PM Harvard Cocktail Reception Location: Hotel de France, Vienna
8.15 PM Fête Impêriale Summer Ball Location: Spanish Riding School More information: http://www.fete-imperiale.at/en
25 June, Saturday All day retreat Knowledge transfer for Harvard Clubs in Europe Future of a CEE platform (‘Charta’) with Professional panel with prominent guest speaker
6:00 PM Dinner & Wine-tasting Location: ZEILER am Hauerweg „Der Heurige”
26 June, Sunday Optional joint city walk EXPLORING THE BEAUTIES OF VIENNA
Harvard Warm-up Cocktail Reception & Fête Impêriale Ball VIP Ticket € 275 incl. Harvard Reception & access to Harvard Ball Tables & Fete Imperiale reception
Participation at Professional Harvard Retreat € 60 incl. refreshments & light lunch
Evening at a „Heuriger” in Grinzing € 50 incl. dinner & wine-tasting
Recommended hotel: Hotel de France with special Harvard prices of € 130 - € 150 per rooms, please use the Harvard Promo Code for booking.
Registration: Special Harvard Fête Impériale Ball tickets for € 275 (incl. Harvard Reception & access to Harvard Ball Tables) are guaranteed only for registrations received by 26 May 2016. Further tickets to the Ball in different categories are upon availability. Registration for Saturday’s special Harvard programs is accepted by 17 June 2016. Please confirm your registration at hchungary@post.harvard.edu and by transferring the participation fee.
Payment is to be made to the Harvard Club of Hungary bank account. Account holder: Harvard Club of Hungary IBAN: HU35 1040 2166 5052 6683 8075 1015 Bank: K&H Bank Zrt.
Further information: hchungary@post.harvard.edu