Three Back to your School programs were held in Spring 2015
Dr. Izabella Baráti-Stec visited Calvinist Secondary School of Sárospatak, Dr. Imre Branyiczki returned to Radnóti Miklós Secondary School in Szeged and Dr. László Sándor held a speech in ELTE Radnóti Secondary School, Budapest.
All of them highlighted the importance of lifelong learning, learning foreign languages, and gave specific advice on broadening horizons.
According to the teachers, these presentations were very important and memorable to the students, because these fascinating lectures gave them perspectives and inspired them.
You can find more about Dr. Baráti-Stecs presentation here, as it was published in a local newspaper, too. After the presentation, Dr. Sándor started a blog, where he answered students' questions.